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Specialists in all aspects of Local Government law

We can help with:

  • Issues with Council Development Control Plans and Orders
  • Road access disputes
  • Complaints regarding noise levels from neighbouring properties
  • Advice regarding residential and commercial development applications
  • Subdivision applications

The local government lawyers at Hones have comprehensive experience with local Councils and Local Government law. We understand that Local Government law and practice requires in-depth knowledge of the workings both inside and outside local councils. Our expertise in this area has seen us advise local Councils on matters which are relevant to the functions of a Council under a range of legislation.

Our vast experience in this area sees us as the go-to firm for local government legal advice on probity issues, access to information, enforcement, governance and compliance issues, tenders, procedural advice and protocol. We have a range of consultant architects, planners, designers and experts who provide our clients with additional advice where required.

Our local government lawyers have acted in house for a number of Local Government authorities –  as both lawyers and town planners, and we have 2 Law Society accredited specialists in Local Government & Planning Law amongst our ranks.

As a panel firm for 5 local councils, we have the depth of experience and proven track record to ensure we can address all aspects of Local Government law.

Local Government FAQs

What is a Development Control Plan?

A Development Control Plan (DCP) is a suite of controls that guide, and form a focal point, for the assessment of development applications.  A DCP contains controls for such things as tree removal, parking, view loss/retention, height, built upon area, landscaping be it concerning residential, commercial or industrial developments (to name just a few).

When do I need to lodge a DA?

If you are building or renovating, you will need to find out whether you need approval from your local council for the proposed work. The exact requirements of whether a development application is necessary are determined by individual councils. Things taken into account include the Local Environment Plan, Development Control Plans and zoning regulations.  Furthermore there are a number of types of development (usually small scale things, such as cubby houses and minor works) that do not require development approval (known as “exempt” development).

What is an occupation certificate?

An Occupation Certificate confirms that the principal certifying authority (either Council or a private certifier) is satisfied that works relating to a development consent have been completed in accordance with the development consent, in particular in accordance with the approved plans and that all relevant conditions have been addressed. Obtaining an Occupation Certificate is necessary step before occupying premises.

What is a subdivision certificate?

A Subdivision Certificate confirms that the local council is satisfied that works relating to a subdivision have been completed in accordance with the relevant development consent. Obtaining a Subdivision Certificate is necessary step before lodging a plan of subdivision with NSW Land Registry Services.

What does a local government lawyer do?

Local government lawyers are solicitors and barristers who are experts in local government law. They can advise you about local government issues and represent you in court proceedings related to these matters. Hones Lawyers specialises in this area of the law.

What is local government law?

Local councils must always act lawfully and within the scope of their powers. Although they have the power to enforce compliance with local council controls, they cannot ever lawfully act beyond their power.

For more information on local government law and local government legal guidance, call us on 02 8318 0788.

“Great experience, dispute with council resolved”

– B Ellis

Get In Touch

    Our Process

    Get In Touch
    hones lawyers phone call and website enquiry

    Contact us by phone or using our website enquiry form with information on your matter. Providing enough information in this part of our process will allow us to get back in touch with you regarding your options.

    hones lawyers client meet up and interview

    Whether it’s in person, over the phone or by Skype – this will allow us to ask any questions we might have regarding your matter and will allow us to build a better working relationship.

    hones lawyers strategy and solution

    At this point we should have enough information in order build a strategy to move forward with (or in some cases, various strategies).

    Our Local Government Specialist Lawyers

    managing partner jason hones

    Jason Hones

    partner gavin shapiro

    Gavin Shapiro

    special counsel susan hill

    Susan Hill

    special counsel lesley finn

    Lesley Finn

    associate peter clarke

    Peter Clarke